Welcome To My Whims

This is where I will be posting various pathtag designs for sale, as well as the occasional musing. Welcome to my whims! You can contact me at LiLangeL181@aol.com for all of your pathtag needs.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Status updates on tags and pages

Thanks to everyone who took advantage of the $5 design discount.  I've updated the "Sold" page with several designs which have been claimed, as well as added new designs to their respective pages, so check them all out!  If there is anything you (any of you!) think should make a nice pre-made design  please feel free to suggest it, and remember I'm always happy to answer questions and negotiate prices.

PS- Halloween is coming up, so claim your designs now!
~ Laura

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Official Design Partner

Thank you to everyone who has helped make this site possible.  Yesterday I became an "Official Design Partner" at pathtags.com, and to celebrate I'm having a design sale!!

SALE!  $5 off all pre-made designs, now through Saturday Aug. 20th!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

MWGB was a blast!

Dewy Decimal Cache
A bunch of us got together to have a cache-a-thon, and made it from south of Toledo, OH to just north of Monroe, MI.  In two days we put in about 22 hours, and although that means we missed a lot of the official events, we still had more fun than should be allowed.  We even managed to find a few specialty caches, like an earthcache that required us to dig for our own fossils, a webcam cache, and a dewy decimal cache!  Spending the day(s) caching with Vonnie (vonjoekasey), Nick (magtfplanner) and Jeff (inxplicablfate) were amazing and the real world just isn't as much fun!!